Apple’s Swift has outstanding effects on all platforms, not just iOS, macOS, and watchOS. Objective-C is first choice of mobile app developer but Why Swift matters, We try to let you know how it differs from Objective-C.
What is Swift?
Swift is the programming language use to develop iOS, macOS, Apple Watch OS applications. It is a functional programming language. Earlier all the apple products application based on Objective-c which is not easy to learn and complex to understand. But we can easily start with swift, it is easily understandable. Swift is introduced in mid of 2014 by Chris Lattner. Swift compiler based on LLVM“ Low Level Virtual machine ”, Swift is user-friendly and fast language.
Advantages of swift over objective-c
- Swift doesn’t need a semicolon (;) to end the statement.
- Swift doesn’t need aestrik (*) to declare property.
- Swift introduces “let” and “var” keywords for limited memory allocation.
- It introduces typecasting.
- Swift is type inference, it automatically takes the type of the variable.
- It introduces the concept of optional and optional binding to handle the nil value.
- It introduces guard.
- It gives the concept of closure.
- A very useful concept of tuple which hold more than one value.
- Concept of type alias.
- We can use the keywords as a property name.
Normal statement
let myConstant = 5
MyConstant = 10 (Give error let statement is immutable)
In above swift statement “let” is keyword define for constant means its value is immutable. To make it mutable we have to define as
var myVariable = 6
myVariable = 10
In the above statement we didn’t define the type of the let and var variable but swift compiler automatically get the type of the variables which is Int.
We can make variable optional, it may contain a value or nil
Var optionalValue: String?
To make a variable optional you need to simply add question mark “?” and it is not compulsory to initialize now it has the nil value.
// To store name and age of employee
let tupleExample:[(String, Int)] = [(Alex, 24), (James, 25), (Harriet, 19)]
To access the value
let firstEmployeeName = tupleExample[0].0 // It gives Alex
let firstEmployeeAge = tupleExample[0].1 // It give age 24
Here is the example of typealias
typealias MyFunctionDefinition = (Integer, String) -> Void
In the the left part is hold by the MyFunctionDefinition
Guard statement:
Guard statement is used to check the optional value, and it increases the scope of the variable and else statement is compulsory with the guard statement. iOS swift tutorial for beginners.
If statement
If myValue != nil {
//do Something
// myValue scope is limited only in this block
In the above if statement else statement is up to your compiler did throw any error regarding else state.
Guard statement:
var value: String? = “abc”
guard let checkOptionalValue = checkingValue as? String else { return }
Here checkOptionalValue scope is wide and else statement is compulsory with the guard block. Else statement executes if checkingValue contains nil value stop execution after return.
Optional Binding
Optional binding is used to check nil values. It is apply on optional variable only to safely get value.
var optionalValue: String? = “abc”
The output of the above statement on console is
If let value = optionalValue {
//This block execute if optionalValue doesn’t contain nil value
The output of the above statement on console is
}else {
// This statement executes when optional value is nil