IPH Technologies
Software & App Development company
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Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Difference

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Difference

How is Augmented Reality Different from Virtual Reality? While people, enjoy both Augmented and Virtual Reality yet times they dive deep into details of these two realities and get confused. Also, for those who want to earn some money by learning new technology. They...
Advantages and Disadvantages of Augmented Reality

Advantages and Disadvantages of Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality or AR combines data from your physical world to the data developed with digital tools and technology. Within a few years from a science fiction, AR turns out a most popular future technology among the Smartphone users. The Augmented Reality apps make...
How to Make an AR app?

How to Make an AR app?

Technological boost has indeed worked to make our surrounding ‘modern’ and inspiring, to accept changes in our lifestyle. Augmented reality (AR) is the popular trend which has hit a major share of the global population who are in contact with smartphones. A number of...