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Trailer Viewer is an application that gives you a good user interface to watch trending and popular movies and Tv show trailers. You can see the content of your choice in one go. Here you can see trailers of your favourite movies and shows. You can also search for videos of your choice and play them with a youtube player right within your application. You can also download them for offline viewing. Also, you can cast your videos to any Apple devices or  any other devices that supports AirPlay.


  • Watch trailers of the latest movies and Tv shows.
  • Search any of your favourite videos.
  • Download videos for offline view.
  • Cast your video to any Apple Devices.

Installation Process

To Install the application you have to clone the application using the given Github link.

Pod install

To run your application you have to install a few profiles into your project. 

Go to the project folder in the terminal and type pod init to initialize podfile. 

        pod ‘SDWebImage’

to install podfile type pod install into the terminal.



In the end, I only want to tell you one thing this is a great app to start with. You can make this app with a few basic concepts of swift. If you have any queries regarding the app you can contact me at vivek.srivastava@iphtechnologies.com