IPH Technologies
Software & App Development company
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IPH Technologies is not related to any third party organization or the individual mentioned on the web page. All logos and names are intellectual property rights of the company and using them without the permission of IPHS Technologies, tantamount to legal offense. Information imbibed on the website are accurate and updated as due diligence and research are conducted for eventual dissemination. Every single piece of technological know-how is sourced from reliable and authentic references and the probability of error is zilch.

We strongly believe that data and opinions are accurate but do not undertake any responsibility for the losses incurred due to their usage by the users. Our primary motive is to filter out the information about the services offered by the company.

The guidance and assistance provided by the customer care staff is not the final word of authority in terms of correctness and accuracy. Availing our service depends on the eventual decision making prowess of the users. Consultation is focussed exclusively on the design and working of the application development system. Statements based on extrapolations of the future growth carry their own risks and uncertainties. Observed results might be different from the anticipated outcomes with the company. IPHS cannot be held liable for any difference that might occur.

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The guidance and assistance provided by the customer care staff is not the final word of authority in terms of correctness and accuracy. Availing our service depends on the eventual decision making prowess of the users. Consultation is focussed exclusively on the design and working of the application development system. Statements based on extrapolations of the future growth carry their own risks and uncertainties. Observed results might be different from the anticipated outcomes with the company. IPHS cannot be held liable for any difference that might occur.

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